Beamish International

A global private client business specialising in rare whisky


Michael Salmon, Charlotte Holland, Paulina Wasik, Scott Presly, Ally Ebdon


Strategy, UX, Web Design, Web Development


Beamish International was founded in 2018 by Charles Beamish with a vision of revolutionising the private client experience for rare whisky sales. Their expert team work with the most renowned whisky producers, brands, and bottlers, to ensure that their clientele can access the most exclusive stocks and make valuable investments.


The brief

Beamish International needed a website that acted as a showcase; conveying the deluxe nature of their business, while seamlessly allowing clients to log in and to manage their portfolio investments. This is where our creative team thrive so we got straight to work!

Screenshot of a website for Beamish International with sections for business, services, and news.


We designed and developed an online platform covering every element of the client journey, all while maintaining an overall feeling of luxury.

Through great storytelling, we created a content journey which took the client through a tour of Scotland, illustrating the whisky producing regions within and highlighting the key characteristics to look for as an investor.

To provide more valuable insights, we branched out into longer form content pieces, which allowed clients to delve a little deeper and discover more about a specific brand partner or distillery; also giving that distiller an opportunity to publish content within the system, enriching the knowledge bank.

Map of Scotland's whisky regions on a website, with interactive buttons for Highlands, Lowlands, and Isles.

Portfolio management system

One of the most impressive areas of the site is something that we unfortunately can’t show you (although if you have a few rare whisky casks laying around you're welcome to become a Beamish international client!). We developed a bespoke portfolio management system which serves as a digital showcase, where clients can oversee and nurture their investments held with Beamish International. It also provides a seamless mechanism for tracking potential future investments, ensuring clients stay ahead of market trends.

The infrastructure behind this was a significant undertaking which ultimately resulted in a system where the Beamish International team could get a birds eye view of their operations through an easy-to-use dashboard. This highly valued development not only streamlines their portfolio management but also reveals new avenues for growth, helping contribute to the business' goals.

A whisky-themed webpage with maps, distillery logos, text on Speyside, and images of Macallan bottles.

Brands We've Worked With